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I discovered some movement tech while playing this that I believe has potential to make this game speedrun-able. That being said, any plans to add censoring? Mostly joking but if you actually did I would actually speedrun this and stream it/upload videos.

Censoring could be an added pixel filter over NSFW scenes, sure. 

But you've got me curious now. What was the speedrun tech?

You'll just have to wait and see

(4 edits)

This Game Use Godot Engine 4 (maybe), soo i can't play it. How can i know? I've loaded Godot Engine 4 and 3. After trying, the answer was that the NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 couldn't run Godot 4. anddd... I can't update my video card, nvidia experience can't see my GT 630. maybe i need to buy a GTX or RTX is Newer than GT

Deleted 36 days ago

Turns out that the answer is 'yes, you do randomly inflate if you knock yourself out by jumping off a high platform over and over'.


Cool concept! I hope to see further development and more characters


I can't find the lever in the town to keep going. Is this as much as the game has right now?


Hi! Nice job getting through so quickly. As the preggopixels game jam deadline ends tomorrow, stages that are unfinished have had to be cut from the release build in favor of polishing off things that are actually in game.

The lever mentioned by NPCs can't be purchased yet, as its only purpose is to open up the next zone of the game. Other NPCs should have a few more dialogue trees, depending on how many times you've met them/whether or not you're pregnant. But if you want to head down to the mines you'll just have to stay tuned with development!

Thanks again for playing.


Well, I'm looking forward to more development! What's here already is pretty great!

Thanks for the update. I'll be sure to keep track of the game's progress.